Things to Know Before Buying an E-Bike

e-bikesIf you are experiencing pain in your knees or suffering from asthma, an e-bike can help breathe new life into the sport of cycling. Obvious benefits include longer range, assisted hill climbing, and the ability to help you cut through the wind. Riding a cost-efficient e-bike will make you feel fresh and provide health benefits.

Before buying, consider the following:

    • Purpose: E-bikes are built for different purposes and different people. It’s up to you what purposes are the most important ones. Prior to buying, decide where you need to drive the e-bike (for example, hills or a flat road). This will help you decide which e-bike can satisfy your needs. Be sure to consider your preferences while you’re looking at different bikes in the store.

    • E-bike drive: The most common e-bike is the “pedelac”, which monitors the riders pedalling and applies motor assistance accordingly. The other type is a “twist-n-go”, which you apply motor assistance by turning a throttle on the bike handle. Try out both before deciding to buy.

    • Motor mount: Generally, there are two places where the motor is mounted. The first, known as hub motor assist, is mounted at the wheels. The second, crank motor assist, is mounted at the pedal/crank area. These electric controls include a sensor which detects how hard you pedal and apply the necessary motor assistance. Crank motor assist bikes do well on steep hills.

Now that you know a little more about the types of e-bikes, check online to buy your Cheap Electric Commuter Bike today.